Merry Chirstmas ~~~
Merry Christmas everyone!
Well...although it's christmas,not even a little of christmas atmosphere here!
Imagine where am I last year today...zZz...
Anyway,it's still ok for me today because I attended my mum's frens christmas party today..
Ate lots of nice stuff there....really full >.<
Then enjoying the environment there My mum's fren house!Quite nice ^^
Swissland preparing us food =)
Ya i know my camera sucks,but this is a blur image of the place there ><
We left there about 10.25pm.Then I went to meet my frens at Old Town. Lin Wai(Marvin), Cheng Han, Sze Yun, Kee Tuan were already there waiting for me!When i reached there, they asked me to treat them. ZzZ, so bad lar...anyway,we have a great chat there, but the christmas countdown was bad. Know what do we do to countdown!? Take a ride on the alor star city...SO LAME!OMG! Kee Tuan brought Sze Yun & Me went jalan jalan a while before sent us home... Sze Yun at old town...she said she ugly!?Bluff =P
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5 months ago
eh... where is ur seafood dinner????
MerRy ChriSTmAS!!!
hehe..so happy that can contact you again..
mek ar...(dunno who else will call you like this^^)
really one day later must call our st john batch come out gather loo...then take pic as memory lo..very very miss you all...
hehe...at least introduce st john frens in your blog mah..><
erm..wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR first o...
take care ya!!
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