Heyz again...
Well well,first of all,I want to apologise to Ms. Sze Yun cause I wasn't able to update my blog yesterday.Sorry to tell you that I fell asleep. Hahahaz...
Anyway...today I'm going to show you all my new house (Wohooo....)
But just a quick look,cause it's not fully done. It's still renovating...ALMOST DONE!
Well, some afternoon I will follow my parents to new house..helping them to clean up the house.
Everything need to be done before 30th of December, cause 31st will be my sis wedding, so house is needed!
Therefore, we are rushing everything! Sometimes quite pity all the workers there oso ><
Below are some pictures:
Thanks to all these workers, our house can be officially done on time =) 牺牲小我,贡献他人的精神值得佩服!
These are just some pictures taken by me. When it is all done, then i'll post all the pictures up here =)