Our journey starts with bus to TAMPIN!Jason playing phone & Say Khuan playing pc.
I was so boring on the bus,somemore raining...zZz
Finally reached Tampin --> Jason's house. Jason watching TV i think! ^^People watching tv,some people play pc pulak.Swt la Say Khuan!
Play dota...zZz...Dota gamers,guess which hero he is using!?
Our food to genting.LOL,buy so many things,just to save our food money during our stay at genting!
Somemore sandwiches @.@
Walao,play dota,can't sien wan lo...zZz
Morning,time to depart to genting! Happy mood =)
Say Khuan ahr,bad habit lar!!Girl dun like wo...
Jason & Me going to genting,now taking KTM!
Say Khuan & Jason.AGAIN,tat fella playing DOTA!I really have nothing to say...>.<
We are now at KL Sentral bus terminal. Ready to go to genting by bus =) Say Khuan & Jason playing that 0,5,10,15,20!I lose 1 sundae-cone because of that! >.<
Bus to genting!
Reach genting finally!Stay at first world deluxe room!Let's begin our small feast! xD
What TV program so interesting!?I want to watch!!!Say Khuan wanna play again...>.<
Does the people inside the TV look the same as the people beside the TV?
Night time,time to go jalan jalan lor!
Say Khuan,you are not playing dota anymore, but bowling!Congrats!Your first breakthru...=)
Jason play too...
Next morning,outdoor theme park!Wah,ready for mini roller coaster lor!
Another spinning chair...Spin n Spin n Spin...Shout n Shout n Shout!
Corkscrew behind us.Just finish playing with Jason,walao...it's the most chi gek of all the ride.
Time to cool down,play some super tobaggo...quite lame actually,wakakaka!
Long time din have spicy stuff ady.Lunch i order a Tom Yam MeeHoon,zeng!!!! ^^V
Afternoon rain,haish..too bad,cant play outdoor game.Later on,we went starbuck for a small drink.I order doughnut.Quite nice =)
Then,we went to the 4D Haunted Adventure.Oh man,it is very scary,and damn those people,i have to lead all the way,and so unfortunately,being the leader is not a good thing sometimes!!!!!!!!
Night time,bed talk,or bed sleep...swt Say Khuan!
Sei Say Khuan,so fake!
Pillow talk or handphone talk!?Hey,i saw the pc on and it's DOTA AGAIN!! ARGH!
Wow...hearty breakfast.Say Khuan & I enjoyed it =)
Bye Genting,start to miss home actually ='(
Journey to Tampin again,Jason sien dao...On KTM!
Reach home...start to do housechore! ^^
We went to malacca day after.We saw this children talent competition at Mahkota parade.They are so cute...esp one a-gogo children,3 yrs old! >.<
Jonker street,buy 1 necklace,1 hp-cover,dinner & met Li Wei+Rujia there ^^
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5 months ago
wah ur last pic so zhi lian le...
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